[예술인협회]- 음악이론 Zoom 강좌 8.4~8.28 매주 화, 금 오후 4~5시
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음악연주의 향상점, 이론공부도 병행 되어야, 중요성을 인식
예술인 협회~ Zoom 시리즈 (3)
*음악을 하시는 분들도 실기연주는 되는데 이론이 전혀 안 받쳐주는 분들이
의외로 많습니다. 음악이론은 따분하고 그런걸 하나 생각하는분이 많습니다.
음악을 배울때는 자연스럽게 접하게 되는 이론은 음악 용어, Music Knowledge
이해가 안되면 연주에도 제대로 발전이 없는 것입니다.
Music Theory는 팝 뮤직, 대중가요, 재즈, 클래식, 성악등 어느쟝르,
악기이건 관계없이 음악적 지식은 필수 Essential이며 거역할수 없는
불가분의 공생관계입니다. 그래서 학생들이 많이 하는 북미 음악평가 시험인
RCM Exam 에서도 이론시험과 실기와 같이 치뤄야 수료증 받는 이유가
바로 그것이지요. 이에 예술인 협회에서는 음악이론의 중요성을 알리고자
온라인 강좌를 실시합니다.
1. Music theory is a Knowledge, Literature
Being familiar with the notes, how they work, their role, chords,
names, etc. even though the ear remains your best asset, music
theory will help save you time as it helps you to understand and
memorize what is happening with your instrument.
2. Music theory will help you get understand repertoire
Many people believe that music theory is superfluous, feel bored,
not interested, often seen as a set of strict rules that stifle our
creativity and freedom of expression. A musician who knows the
‘rules’ can apply them when they see fit, and as a result will be in
full control and have much greater freedom with their instrument.
They will be able to pick and choose the rules of music theory
that suit them at the time. Having at least a basic knowledge will
help players break away from what has been done before.
It will help them come up with new ideas, different melodies,
new chords, progressions, be able to combine different scales etc
3. Music theory helps you better understand what you’re playing
It’s always a good thing to be able to understand something you
play instinctively. This means it can be improved on and varied.
Music theory cannot replace a good ear, but works alongside to
complement it. To know the basics helps puts words to feelings
and better understand your instrument and how to play it.
4. How to Write and Perform Accurately
Although this is a point that’s overlooked in many music theory
classes, music theory will actually help your child become more
creative with their playing (and perhaps even elsewhere in life).
Your child may not be interested in writing their own music right
now, but having a strong foundation in music theory will help set
them up for future success as a composer or songwriter.
5. Music Theory as a Foundation
Learning music theory will help your child become a well-rounded
musician, and make it possible for them to progress more
successfully in music. If your child has ever considered learning
multiple instruments or writing music themselves.
Music theory is a critical component of their goals. Even for
students that are content playing one instrument, understanding
music theory will help them play their instrument better.
[예술인 협회]~ Zoom 시리즈 (3)
[음악 이론 강좌]
* 일시:8.4~8.28 오후 4~5시 매주 화, 금요일 (총 8회)
* 대상: 초급~중급, RCM Exam Theory
독학 하는분, 이론을 좀더 배우고자 하는 누구나
* 준비물: 본인의 책, 강의자 프린트 제시,Chart
with Teaching Board (영어지도)
* 내용: 음악용어, 테크닉 Scale, Chord, Note Notation etc
자세한 해설, 그밖에 어려운 문제, 궁금증 해소 Q&A
* 미팅 ID: 6075002329
* 소정의 수강료 E transfer Payment
* 예약 문의: 604-505-4187
Vancouver Artist Society
예술인 협회~ Zoom 시리즈 (3)
*음악을 하시는 분들도 실기연주는 되는데 이론이 전혀 안 받쳐주는 분들이
의외로 많습니다. 음악이론은 따분하고 그런걸 하나 생각하는분이 많습니다.
음악을 배울때는 자연스럽게 접하게 되는 이론은 음악 용어, Music Knowledge
이해가 안되면 연주에도 제대로 발전이 없는 것입니다.
Music Theory는 팝 뮤직, 대중가요, 재즈, 클래식, 성악등 어느쟝르,
악기이건 관계없이 음악적 지식은 필수 Essential이며 거역할수 없는
불가분의 공생관계입니다. 그래서 학생들이 많이 하는 북미 음악평가 시험인
RCM Exam 에서도 이론시험과 실기와 같이 치뤄야 수료증 받는 이유가
바로 그것이지요. 이에 예술인 협회에서는 음악이론의 중요성을 알리고자
온라인 강좌를 실시합니다.
1. Music theory is a Knowledge, Literature
Being familiar with the notes, how they work, their role, chords,
names, etc. even though the ear remains your best asset, music
theory will help save you time as it helps you to understand and
memorize what is happening with your instrument.
2. Music theory will help you get understand repertoire
Many people believe that music theory is superfluous, feel bored,
not interested, often seen as a set of strict rules that stifle our
creativity and freedom of expression. A musician who knows the
‘rules’ can apply them when they see fit, and as a result will be in
full control and have much greater freedom with their instrument.
They will be able to pick and choose the rules of music theory
that suit them at the time. Having at least a basic knowledge will
help players break away from what has been done before.
It will help them come up with new ideas, different melodies,
new chords, progressions, be able to combine different scales etc
3. Music theory helps you better understand what you’re playing
It’s always a good thing to be able to understand something you
play instinctively. This means it can be improved on and varied.
Music theory cannot replace a good ear, but works alongside to
complement it. To know the basics helps puts words to feelings
and better understand your instrument and how to play it.
4. How to Write and Perform Accurately
Although this is a point that’s overlooked in many music theory
classes, music theory will actually help your child become more
creative with their playing (and perhaps even elsewhere in life).
Your child may not be interested in writing their own music right
now, but having a strong foundation in music theory will help set
them up for future success as a composer or songwriter.
5. Music Theory as a Foundation
Learning music theory will help your child become a well-rounded
musician, and make it possible for them to progress more
successfully in music. If your child has ever considered learning
multiple instruments or writing music themselves.
Music theory is a critical component of their goals. Even for
students that are content playing one instrument, understanding
music theory will help them play their instrument better.
[예술인 협회]~ Zoom 시리즈 (3)
[음악 이론 강좌]
* 일시:8.4~8.28 오후 4~5시 매주 화, 금요일 (총 8회)
* 대상: 초급~중급, RCM Exam Theory
독학 하는분, 이론을 좀더 배우고자 하는 누구나
* 준비물: 본인의 책, 강의자 프린트 제시,Chart
with Teaching Board (영어지도)
* 내용: 음악용어, 테크닉 Scale, Chord, Note Notation etc
자세한 해설, 그밖에 어려운 문제, 궁금증 해소 Q&A
* 미팅 ID: 6075002329
* 소정의 수강료 E transfer Payment
* 예약 문의: 604-505-4187
Vancouver Artist Society
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