[서동임피아노레슨] RCMElementarySpecialistARCT PerformerMasterBachelor음악성넘치는 연주레슨 > 학원

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[서동임피아노레슨] RCMElementarySpecialistARCT PerformerMasterBachelor음악성넘치는 연…

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작성자 vkas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일17-09-12 17:02 조회5,444회 댓글0건


[서동임 피아노 레슨] Christine Seo Piano Lessons 피아노를 배우면 똑똑해 진다! 40년노하우 레슨경력. 풍부한 연주경험.영어지도 음악 칼럼니스트 9년. 해박한 음악지식.레슨 크리닉 인식 알레그로 전공자 앙상블 디렉터.밴쿠버 예술인 협회장 *2018.11.24 해병대 송년회 Steinway Library 재즈 스윙 연주 *VISM Piano Faculty Instructor (Vancouver International School of Music) Century Music School, Royal Music Schoo *2019 Passion & Harmony 클래식 콘서트 <일시:5월 25일 장소: Pyatt Hall VSO School of Music 주최: 밴쿠버 예술인 협회 (Vancouver Artist Society) *2017 Inspire Piano Classical Concert <일시:3월 11일 장소: Tom Lee Music Hall <서동임: 쇼팽 에튜드 Ocean, 2 피아노 브람스 소나타 1악장 오페라 아리아, 2피아노 8 Hands Performance 주최: 밴쿠버 예술인 협회 [Allegro Major Ensemble Director] BC 뮤직 페스티벌 콩쿨 2 피아노 3회 연속 1위 <2020년도에는 리스트의 스패니쉬 랩소디로 참가 (1)2018.5.27 Festival on the Lake Duo Gold Certificate (Rachmaninoff Suite No.2, 4mvts 55 pages complete) (2)2018.4.11 Kiwanis Music Festival 2 Piano open 1st Award (라흐마니노프 조곡2번 전4악장 55장 complete) (3)2017.4.19 Kiwanis Music Festival 2 Piano open 1st Award (Brahms Sonata f Minor op.34b, 1mvt) Pianist. Performer.Accompanist RCME Teacher.Conductor.RCM Certified Elementary Specialist.Music Columnist Allegro Major Ensemble Director Vancouver Artist Society President T: 604~505~4187 E: christine7388@yahoo.ca Prefer: 방문레슨 가능(영어 지도) Edmonds Stn 부근 Burnaby (Essential Qualified Good Teacher) 1.a genuine love for teaching 2.a through vast expertise knowledge of music, the ability to inspire imagination & creativity with friendly cheerful manner 3.a sympathetic nature, a lots things expierienced performing, ability to be organized at concert music group 4.Proffessional should be neat and fresh in appearance 5.Punctuality (Music is timing art) (Pedagogy Outline Each Level) *Teaching Pihlosophy: make an effort to have interest curious,encoraging, friendly, positive thinking 1.Accuracy 2. fluency 3.Musicality Christine Seo is a enthusiastic, passionate teacher,has been teaching piano for 40 yrs,wide range ages from 3 age~Adult~University students ~even grandmother impart vast expertise as a music columnist since 9 yrs & to be organized classical allegro major ensemble group, has been so activiting to perform at numerous concert in community, artist society activies, with a lots of experienced skillful, expert for teaching as a professional teacher, RCM exams as well BC Music Festival & Competition. Piano study is long term, it is important constantly take lesson & study in order to be stable reading ability. my teaching philosophy is make an effort which have a motivate curious, fun in piano music, continue search for repertiore for student & have positive & flexible thinking. (1) Premer Level (~6 young age) Familiar with piano in young kid, approach bench, have a good posture, recognition of finger number,Reading for off the staff, Introduce value of note, Quarter, Half, Whole Notes, naming music alphabet, Note works game, Drawing note, first make an efforts to have interest & fun in music, Sing a long with teachers accompaniment. Lesson book, technique, basic theory which is essential for beginner. try to find pieces at their own level favorites which is curious satisfaction. Induce & attract interest (2) Beginner: Level 1~4 Increase 4 material Lesson Book: Technique, Popular, Theory arranging on 12 staves manuscript Paper sheet is essential. Continue Value of Notes, Constant Note Naming Training, Recognize Correct Layout Base C~ Middle C~ Treble C~ higher C, Reminds C pentascale, recall layout of each note position connect 5 staff, each note hangs 5 lines or 4 spaces, to explain each notes position on grandstaff, arrange basic theory with notation on 12 staff manuscript note book, slowy practice, seperately RH, LH, play with steady tempo, Set a metronome, feel inner pulse, a lots of practice, faster progression. After its fluent, play moderately, apply with dynamics, phasing, explain about articulation,how to teach descreet pedaling. (3) Intermediate : Level 5~8 Constantly training reading skill for improvement, this level is the best time for learning piano, they have ideal physical condition. Try to correctly the first time. paying attention to notes, accents,dynamics,keep correct logical fingering,etc. Continue training sightreading, technique study,rhymic patterns, Focus training for accuracy, absolute concertration, fluency without stoping while playing, keep dynamics, flowing our various emotions, forward motion irrespective of any errors made. share music story telling, composer story outline by vast expertise knowledge as music columnist. My teaching philosophy: Major 3 elements in piano, those are accuracy, fluency and richfull musicianship. (4) Advance Gr.9~ ARCT Sightreading ability is stable to this level. let training student, technique -fingering, 4 note chords, 4 octave 12 major & 2 harmonic, melodic minor scales study, evenly in passage work, arppeggio review, octave scale, Recognization of repertiore character,appply stylic elements by different era featuring. try to understand character of each pieces. `Rubato` flexible tempo in Romantic Era committ to RCM Exam repertiore for completion for speed of music, consider good tone quality, to participate to BC Music Festival competition which is good chance in public performance, it will be very help to improve piano skill, getting firm, provide motivation for practing, gain confidence, self-disple, get inspiration in famous world pianist concert, Polishing good tone, Tonal balancing, Voicing,etc (5) Adult Student: There are may be physical limitations, difficulty faster finger movement, lack of co-ordination, big issues is at fine motorskills. Adult needs more self-conscious at finger movement quickly than children, quickness, improvisation by finger, overcome typical problem,so teacher must encouraging to gain confidence. (Stylic Element :How to assess each Era) A. Baroque Music: Feature imitation, sequence requiring terraced dynamics, articulation, tonal contrast B. Classical: Albeti Bass, Phasing, dynamic contrast, steady tempo C. Romantic: Expressive melodies, Flexible Rubato tempo, sensitive pedaling D. 20 Century: dissonance,irregular meters,polytonality, powerful dynamics Christine Seo https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013748626019 Vancouver Artist Society https://www.facebook.com/Vancouver-Artist-Society-541845006150350/ Allegro Major Ensemble https://www.facebook.com/Allegro-Major-Ensemble-324976771305153/ Prefer: 방문 레슨 (Edmonds Stn 부근 버나비) [Lesson Policy] *All Level, Adult, 대학입시, RCM Exam Music Festival, Piano Competition *From Level 1: 1hr per week (2hrs for faster progression) *RCM Exams & Music Festival Requires 2hrs per week: Repertiore. Étude Technique.Sightreading. EarTraining.Theory [Biograhpy] *RCM ARCT Piano Pedagogy Diploma *RCM Certified Elementary Specialist *RCME Teacher No.14A20071 *RCM ARCT Performer Diploma *Master Degree in Piano (M.Mus) *Bachelor Degree in Piano (B.Mus) *Chopin Avent Recital (세종문화회관 소강당 1982) *피아노 독주회 (Seoul 1984) *숙명여대 음대 피아노과 강사 (University Faculty) *BC. Registered Music Teacher No.2988 *밴쿠버 코리아 미디어 문화센터 강사 *Tom Lee Music Academy Instructor *음악 칼럼 니스트 9년 활동 1.밴중앙 [포르테 피아노]-(2017.1.14~2018) 2.교차로 [뮤직 브릴란테]-(2010~16) 3.플러스 뉴스 [서동임의 음악 이야기]-(2007~09) *한인회 합창단 지휘자 (2014) *한인회 예술분과 위원장 (2014.2017) *알레그로 전공자 앙상블 디렉터 (Since 2013) *밴쿠버 예술인 협회장 (Vancouver Artist Society) ☎ 604~505~4187 E: christine7388@yahoo.ca [Working Expierience] 1.Vancouver International School of Music Faculty (2018) 2.Learning Centre Piano Instructor (2018) 3.Century Music School (2019) 4.Royal Music School (2019) 5.Vocal Coach SONY Picture Movie [Interview] at Bright Light Picture Brian Adams Recording Studio (2013.11.6~9) 6.Pilgrim Children’s Choir Accompanist (2007~09) 7.VanKorea Media Cultural Centre (2003.12.4~2006.6.21 Coquitlam) 6.Tom Lee Music Academy Instructor (2004~06) 7.Sook Myung Womens University Faculty Piano Instructor (Seoul Korea) (1991~1993) [피아노 지도경력] [B.C Music Festival Award] 상위권 입상 (2008)--*Kiwanis Music Festival (ARCT 3rd) (2010)--*Kiwanis Gr.5 (1st,2nd) *Kiwanis Gr.10 (2nd,3rd) *Burnaby Clef (Gr. 5-1st Gold Medal) (Gr.5-2nd Silver Medal) *Burnaby Clef Society (Gr.10-2nd) (2011)--*Kiwanis (Gr.6-3rd) *Burnaby Clef (Gr.6-2nd Siver Medal) *Richmond Music Festival (Gr.7-4 Gold Certificates) (2012)--*CDMF Performing Arts Festival (Gr.7-2nd, 3rd) *Burnaby Clef (Gr.7-1st Gold Medal) (Gr.7-2nd Silver Medal) (2013)--*Burnaby Clef Society (Gr.7-Silver Medal) (2014)--*CDMF Performing Arts (Gr.8-90 Mark Distinction) *Chancellor Music Festival (Gr.8 Piano) -Edward Parker Scholarship Award (3 Golds+1 Silver Certificates) (2016)--*Richmond Music Festival Entry (Gr.7,8,9 Gr.5 Adult Non Competitive) (2017)--*Kiwanis Music Festival (Gr.5 Adult Non Competitive) [RCM Exams Teaching] (2004)--Gr. 8 Practical (3) (2011)—Gr.6 Practical & Theory (2011)—Gr.6 Practical & Theory (2012)—Gr.5 & Gr.8 Practical Gr.10 Practical (2) (2013)—Gr.7 & Gr.9 Practical (2014)—Gr.8 Practical & Theory (2) (2015)—Gr.8 Practical & Theory (3) Gr.9 Practical Exam Gr.8 Practical & Theory Gr. 7 Practical Exam Gr. 4 Practical (None Theory) Gr.3 Practical (None Theory) (2016)—Gr.8 Practical & Theory Gr.9 Practical Exam (2017)—Gr.6 Practical Exam (2018)—Gr.4 Practical Exam (Asian Student) Gr.8 Practical & Theory (Asian Student) [Solo Performance] (1982)--Chopin Avent Recital (세종문화회관소강당) (2003)--Vancouver Community College 솔로 연주 (2004)—밴쿠버 중앙일보 창간 2 주년 앙상블 연주 (힐튼호텔) (2006)—School Year End Concert Cello 센테니얼극장 (2007)--*3월 시인 심현섭 출판기념회 연주및 반주 *밴쿠버 한인 문인 협회 피아노 연주 (2008)---*BC 한인문화 진흥회 피아노솔로 & 성악 반주 *11월 안봉자 시인 출판 기념회 Solo (2009)--*5월 밴쿠버 한인 노인회 행사 연주및 반주 *5월 캐나다 한인 문학가 협회 문예시상식 연주 (2011)--*5월 캐나다 한인 문학가 문예시상식-피아노솔로 *8.6 한인 문화의날 Piano Solo 연주 (Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue 모음곡) *12.6평통 밴쿠버 포럼 성악 Executive Hotel (2012)--*1월 반병섭 목사 출판 기념식 *3.1 삼일절 기념식 반주 (한인회관) *3.3 밴쿠버 한인 여성회 창단식 Piano Solo (Burnaby Village Musieum) (Bach Loure,Chopin Polonaise Ab) *6.3베토벤심포니 No.7Pianofor Strings콘서트 (Vancouver Academy of Music) *8.4 한인 문화의 날 피아노 솔로연주 -무소르그스키 전람회의 그림 모음곡 *8.15 광복절 경축식 반주 (한인회관) *9.15-6.25 출판서적기념회 반주 (한인회관) *12.11 한인 송년잔치 식전연주 크리스마스 판타지아 -바하 토카타 d, 헨델 사라방드오르간, 뒤카 마법사제자 -Nut Cracker,Sugarplum Fairy,Jazz piano *12.12-6.25 참전유공자총회 Executive Hotel (휘날리는 태극기 반주, 호두까기 인형 꽃의 왈츠) (2013)--*1.3 신년하례식 (까치까지 설날은~재즈편곡) *2.5 Burnaby Board of Trade Presents -Lunar Year Celebration 솔로 연주 *3.1절기념식 플룻 듀오 알레그로 전공자 앙상블 *3.9한인노인회장 취임식 솔로(엘가위풍당당한 행진곡) *6.6 현충일 추념식 (바버 현을 위한 아다지오-오르간) *제68회 광복절 경축식 2 Piano 4 Hands (아름다운 나라,구노 왈츠, 탄호이저서곡) (2014)--*제 69회 광복절 경축식 피아노 솔로 (쇼팽 군대 폴로네이즈 A장조 op.40의 1) (2016)--6.3청하문학제Con Amore,Second 마주르카 *6.6현충일 추념식 Frank 프렐류드푸가 변주곡 (2017)--*8.15 광복절 경축식 솔로 연주 (2018)—*9.15 Korean Community Day (Spanish Coffee. 합창민요 추천가) *11.24 해병대 송년회 Steinway Library Jazz Swing [Piano Accompanist] (2003~06)-코리아미디어 문화센터콘서트바이올린에버그린극장 (2006)-School Year End Concert Cello 센테니얼극장 (2005)--한인장학재단 트리오 솔로 및 반주 (Hilton Hotel) (2007.4)--Kiwanis Music Festival 클라리넷 반주 (2007~09)--필그림 어린이 합창단 반주자 (2008)--B.C 한인문화 진흥회 솔로 & 성악 반주(강강수월래) (2012)--*5.5 밴쿠버 문인협회 어린이날 동요강의 반주 *6.24캐나다재향군인회6.25 Memorial반주 (at Royal CDN Region Chilliwack) *8.15 광복절 경축식 반주 (한인회관) *9.15-6.25 출판서적기념회 반주 (한인회관) (2013)--*8.7경북고 총동창회 정기진 교수 오페라 아리아 반주(힐튼 호텔) *11.6~9 Sony Picture [Interview] -Yona Song Vocal Coach at Bright Light Picture co-operate Jonathan Karf LA Music Supervisor (Brian Adams Recording Studio) (2014)--*3.1 절 기념식 클라리넷 반주 (한인회관) (2015)--*2.26 버나비 상공 회의소 주최 구정 연회 Lunar Year Banquet Vocal 피아노솔로 *70회 8.15 광복절 경축식 피아노바이올린 한인회관 (2018)--*12.15-6.25 유공자회 출판 기념회 성악 반주 [Music Columnist] (2007~09)--플러스뉴스 신문 [서동임의 음악이야기] (2010.3~2016.12)--교차로 [서동임의 뮤직 브릴란테] (2017.1.14~2018.1.30)--밴중앙 음악 칼럼[포르테 피아노] [Music Seminar] (2012)--*5.12 한인 박람회 음악세미나 [명곡에 얽힌 사연] (2013)--*9.27 음악강좌 [맛있는 교양 멋있는 강의] -바그너 베르디 200주년 탄생 오페라 두거장 (버나비 메트로 공립도서관) [Allegro Major Ensemble Director] organized 2013 (2004)--*중앙일보 창간 2주년 앙상블 연주(힐튼호텔) (2014)--*1.25한인회관 개보수 완공식 4 Piano 8 Hands (Chariots of Fire, 2010 밴쿠버 올림픽 팡파레) (Bugler Dream. 존윌리암스 올림픽 팡파레) *2.14 한인회관 후원의 날 -피아노 솔로 (바하 프렐류드 푸가. 슈만-리스트 헌정) -바이올린피아노(유모레스크.크라이슬러 로즈마리) 6 Hands 3 Piano (비제카르멘 조곡Toreadors) 슈베르트 발레뮤직.비제 미뉴엣.차이코프스키 Trepak (2015)--*2.26 Burnaby Board of Trade -Luna Banquet 2Piano 4 Hands (Bizet Carmen No.9 Danse Boheme) *제70회 광복절 경축식 피아노바이올린 (한인회관) (2016)--*6.6 현충일 추념식 (Organ & Piano) -Frank Prelude Fugue Variation (2017)--*3.11 Inspire Piano 클래식 콘서트 개최 (톰리 뮤직 홀 929 Granville St) 솔로.2피아노 4 Hands & 8 Hands.Opera Aria *4.11 키와니스 뮤직 페스티벌 2 Piano open 1위 (브람스 소나타 f minor 1 mvt) (2018)--4.19 Kiwanis Music Festival 2 Piano open 1위 Award (Diploma Standard) *5.27 Festival on the Lake Duo Gold 라흐마니노프 조곡 2번 op.17 전4악장 55장 Complete [Special Activity] (2012)--*제40대 한인회 이사(음악기획) (2014)--*제40대 한인회 예술분과 위원장 (2.13) *한인회 합창단 지휘자 *Chopin Society Member (AGM 12.4.2014) (Vancouver Academy of Music) (2015)--*Vancouver Kiwanis Music Festival -Senior & Junior Piano (Adjudicator Secretary & Ambassador) -Above & Beyond the Call of Duty *제 40대 밴쿠버 노인회 총무 (2016)--*제 41대 밴쿠버 노인회 총무이사 *6.26 Youth Artist Festival 개최 *밴쿠버 예술인 협회장 (2017)--*3.11 [Inspire Piano] 클래식 콘서트 (톰리 뮤직 홀 929 Granville St) (2017)--*5월~한인회 예술분과 위원장 (2018)--*Vancouver Jazz Festival Volunteer *밴쿠버 여성회 임원 (2019)--*5.25 [Passion & Harmony] Classical Concert Pyatt Hall VSO School of Music (843 Seymour St) 주최 :밴쿠버 예술인 협회 ------------------------------------------------ 문의: 604~505~4187 (prefer 방문레슨) christine7388@yahoo.ca


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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회
16 서동임 피아노 성악 레슨~RCM Specialist, RCM ARCT Performer, MA,BA, 그룹 … vkas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 11-27 182
15 2022 밴쿠버 예술인 협회 ~8.26 (금) 4시 RCM Exam 워크샵 레벨 진단 vkas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 08-11 1091
14 [서동임 피아노 성악 레슨] 43년경력, BC 뮤직 페스티벌,밴쿠버 예술인 협회, 알레그로 앙상블 디렉터 vkas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 01-29 1743
13 [밴쿠버 예술인 협회] 7.31 (토) 11~3시 캠비 로타리 클럽 공동 바자회 vkas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 07-25 1552
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