Winspia Windows - 건축/창호 영업인 (Sales Representative) > 구인/구직

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구인 | Winspia Windows - 건축/창호 영업인 (Sales Representative)

페이지 정보

작성자 윈스피아 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일20-08-24 16:58 조회1,946회 댓글1건


캐나다 밴쿠버 현지 창호 전문건설업체 Winspia Winspia (Canada) Inc. 에서 건축관련 건축/영업 분야에 관심이 많고, 장기간으로 근무하실 근면한 영업팀 직원을 모집합니다. 


업무 내용 요약

- 현지 Contractor, Builder, Home Owner 등 대상 영업활동

 (건축관련 Network 인맥 보유자 우대)

- 프로젝트 견적, 입찰, 계약 등 관리

- Sales & Marketing


근무 조건

  - Full-Time (월-금 08:00~17:00, 주40시간)

  - 3개월 Probation


지원 방법

- 이메일 접수 (

- 제출서류 : 이력서 및 자기 소개서 (한글 및 영문)




We are looking for enthusiastic, driven sales professional to help us grow our business. In the specialized role of Sales Representative, you will be a key member of our Winspia Sales Team. If you have a background in outside sales and window/door industry sales experience, we want to speak with you.  

Your role will be to manage, support and build strong, long term relationships with existing customers as well as develop new customers. This sales position's goals are to grow new business and expand market share by providing solutions to the needs of current and future contractors, designers and architects and homeowners. 


Duties & Responsibilities

- Demonstrated sales ability and excellent communication skills.

- Developing new accounts through prospecting and cold calling

- Prepare and present sales reports to management on a daily basis

- Communicate effective solutions to a variety of customer needs

- Create and build relationships, representing partners’ interests



- Window / Door Sales Experience over 3 years (Preferred)

- Customer focused; skilled at interacting with customers

- Excellent organizational, analytical and communication skills (oral & written).

- Able to work well under pressure and remain organized

- Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, Excel, etc.)

- Able to effectively work with minimal supervision, while consistently delivering on targets and expectations

- Able to fluently communicate in English (verbal and written)

- Additional languages are an asset

- Valid Driver's License

- Able to multi-task in a fast-paced environment

- High energy and drive with good negotiation skills


Working Conditions

- Full-Time (40 hours per week)

- 3 months probation


Please send us an email to with your resume and cover letter. Further information will be given during the interview process.



많은 지원 바랍니다. 감사합니다.  


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