[오늘의 생활영어] ‘Such’와 ‘So’를 이제 맞게 씁시다! > 오늘의 생활영어

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[오늘의 생활영어] ‘Such’와 ‘So’를 이제 맞게 씁시다!

페이지 정보

작성자 작성일22-10-03 08:26 조회518회 댓글0건




자주 하는 틀린 표현 :
‘He’s so a nice guy,’ ‘He’s so a rich,’ ‘He’s so a smart guy,’
‘He’s so a genius,’ ‘It was so a boring movie.’

Such + 명사
So + 형용사

맞는 표현 :
He’s such a nice guy.
He’s so nice.

He’s such a kind man.
He’s such a trustworthy man.

She’s such an intelligent woman.
She’s so intelligent.

This place is so wonderful.
This is such a wonderful place.
He’s so amazing.
He’s such an amazing man.

그 작품은 감동적이였어요

That work was so touching.
That was such a touching work.

정말 재미없는 강의였어요

That lecture was so boring.
It was such a boring lecture.

우리 엄청 재미있는 여행을 했어

The trip we had was so amazing.
We had such an amazing trip.

He’s so rich.
He’s such a rich man.



We’re having such wonderful weather.
The weather we’re having is so wonderful.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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