Hiring an Acupuncturist > 구인/구직

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구인 | Hiring an Acupuncturist

페이지 정보


DC Skin & Laser Centre located at  #130-5890 No.3 Road Richmond BC is looking for a permanent full-time acupuncturist ($28.00-$30.00/Hourly, 40 Hours/Weekly) to join our skin centre and work one on one with our clients to provide full facial & body acupuncture services.

A list of the duties would include, but not be limited to, the following:


  • Practices natural non-invasive acupuncture treatment to produce a more youthful appearance by toning and tightening the facial muscles as well as increasing production of collagen and elastin.

  • Practices natural healing to make life aches and pains disappear: relief from back pain, insomnia, smoking addiction, and anxiety.

  • Diagnoses symptoms, physiological disorders and injuries of patients and treats them by the insertion of acupuncture needles or through stimulation techniques such as acupressure, moxibustion, cupping or electrical current.

A list of the prerequisites we require:


  • Registration with the regulatory body (CTCMA).

  • Completion of a three-year diploma program in acupuncture from a private institute or completion of some university undergraduate studies in science and training in a related health care discipline. 

  • Minimum 5 years of acupuncture practice including minimum 2 years of natural non-invasive facial acupuncture treatment practice.

  • Good English, and Korean is an asset as a second language.

Qualified and serious applicants are invited to submit their resume to the attention of the managing director at dcskinsolution@hotmail.comOnly successful candidates will be contacted for interview.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

구인/구직 목록

게시물 검색
Total 1,854건 23 페이지
구인/구직 목록
번호 제목 날짜
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회사소개 신문광고 & 온라인 광고: 604.544.5155 미디어킷 안내 개인정보처리방침 서비스이용약관 상단으로
주소 (Address) #338-4501 North Rd.Burnaby B.C V3N 4R7
Tel: 604 544 5155, E-mail: info@joongang.ca
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