Hiring an experienced Project Administration Officer > 구인/구직

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구인 | Hiring an experienced Project Administration Officer

페이지 정보


Company Name:  Superior Flood and Fire Restoration Inc.

Business Address:  20th Floor - 1066 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3X2

Title of Position: Project Administration Officer


Superior Restoration Inc. is western Canada’s premier providers of restoration services. We offer expert floor and water damage, wind storm damage restoration and plumbing services in Metro Vancouver and Calgary areas. We are currently hiring an experienced Project Administration Officer who is responsible for providing administrative and communication support to project managers, team members, sub-contractors and clients. Along with our on-going business expansion plans over Canada and U.S., the incumbent is expected to work closely with Project Managers to perform a wide variety of administrative support services, all of which contribute to the efficient and professional operation.


Essential duties and responsibilities

  • Oversee and evaluate overall administrative procedures of assigned projects;
  • Assists Project Managers with the successful cycle of assigned projects from initiation to completion including communication and interaction with clients;
  • Assist in preparation of project planning, operating budget, contracting and regular reporting;
  • Managing the project calendar, arranging meetings, booking accommodations, and answering non critical correspondence pertaining to the assigned projects;
  • Conduct analyses and participate in regularly scheduled departmental and team meetings informing administrative operations related to project planning and management process;
  • Complete special projects and other duties as required;
  • Travel domestically and internationally to meet stated responsibilities

# of Vacancies: 1

Terms of Employment: Permanent, full-time (35 hours/week)

Wage: $23/ hour

Benefits: 2 weeks paid vacation

Location of Work: 20th floor – 1066 West Hastings Street, Vancouver

(*You may travel inside or outside of Canada depending on the location of projects)


Required Qualifications:

  • Must be able to multitask and prioritize;
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both written and oral
  • Be available to respond to 24 hour emergency restoration and mitigation calls during on call status;
  • Accounting competency with an understanding of invoicing and billing procedures;
  • Basic knowledge of restoration or construction industry policies and procedures;
  • Willingness and ability to travel, including overseas
  • International work experience is an asset

Minimum Education Requirement:

  • Completion of secondary school

Work Experience and Education Requirement:

  • With college diploma or university degree: We require 1+ year of experience of project administration in restoration, construction or other related industry;
  • With completion of secondary school: We require 2+ years of experience of project administration in restoration, construction or other related industry;

 (Please specify your project administration experience on your resume and/or portfolio)

License or Certification Required:

  • Class 5 Driver’s License

Contact Information:

If you are interested and meet the requirement of the job, please send your resume to hiring@superiorrestoration.ca


Superior Flood and Fire Restoration Inc. is an equal opportunity employer that welcomes a diverse workforce. We encourage applications from underrepresented groups, such as aboriginal, person with disabilities and new Canadian if candidates meet the above requirement.





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구인/구직 목록

게시물 검색
Total 1,855건 1 페이지
구인/구직 목록
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1806 구직 이력서 구직신청서 11-23
회사소개 신문광고 & 온라인 광고: 604.544.5155 미디어킷 안내 개인정보처리방침 서비스이용약관 상단으로
주소 (Address) #338-4501 North Rd.Burnaby B.C V3N 4R7
Tel: 604 544 5155, E-mail: info@joongang.ca
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