남성 마카지 패딩 Mackage Green Crawford Lux Down Jacket size 40 Size M L Army color > 사고/팔고

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남성 마카지 패딩 Mackage Green Crawford Lux Down Jacket size 40 Size M L Ar…

페이지 정보

작성일19-12-17 02:10 조회2,121회 댓글0건


지역 Burnaby
가격 $ 430
전화번호 604-000-00000
이메일 kumbuzz1@gmail.com
Mackage Green Crawford Lux Down Jacket size 40 (Size M / L ) Army color
선물 받았는데 너무 커서 팝니다 
-Original price was just over $1000 before tax
-Excellent condition
-I got this parka as a gift, I tried on a couple of times and came to the conclusion that the size is too big for me (I think 38 is my size).
It's a great jacket for the Winter season, I am sad to let go of it but my loss is your gain
-Water repellent & waterproof, windproof, breathable and air permeable, maintains warmth
comes wit bag for the jacket, a hanger, technical booklet with an extra button
-4°F / -20°C


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Total 2건 1 페이지
회사소개 신문광고 & 온라인 광고: 604.544.5155 미디어킷 안내 개인정보처리방침 서비스이용약관 상단으로
주소 (Address) #338-4501 North Rd.Burnaby B.C V3N 4R7
Tel: 604 544 5155, E-mail: info@joongang.ca
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