[헤럴드 코퀴틀람] 아이엘츠 제대로 알기 No..32 > 교육칼럼

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[헤럴드 코퀴틀람] 아이엘츠 제대로 알기 No..32

페이지 정보

작성자 헤럴드코퀴틀람 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일23-03-30 12:17 조회756회 댓글0건



이번 아이엘츠 칼럼에서는 주제별 빈출어휘  Media  관련된 단어들을 살펴보겠습니다아이엘츠 시험을 위한 목적도 있지만 실제 신문이나 뉴스보도 등을 접하실  유용하게 사용될  있는 어휘들 입니다.

1. insert: 삽입하다, insertion: 끼워넣기삽입물

The clause was inserted in the contract that gives him 30% of any future earnings. (장래 소득중 30% 그에게 제공하는 계약서에  조항이 삽입되었습니다.)

2. integral: 필수의완전한, integrally: 필수적으로완전하게

These types of gestures are integrally connected to speech and thought processes. (이러한 유형의 제스쳐들은 필수적으로 언어와 사고 과정들과 연결되어 있습니다.)

3. integrity: 성실정직진실성

He is a man of high integrity who has never abandoned his principles for the sake of making money. 

(그는 돈을 벌기 위하여 그의 원칙을 결코 버리지 않는 매우 성실한 사람입니다.)

4. intrinsic: 본질적인고유의

Parents should teach their children the intrinsic value of good behavior. (부모들은 그들의 아이들에게 선행의 본질적 가치를 가르쳐야 합니다.)

5. invasion: 침략침해

Several analysts fear that increasing desperation could lead to a military invasion of the country’s neighbors. (몇몇 분석가들은 증가하는 절박함이  국가의 주변국의 군사적 침략을 초래할  있다고 염려합니다.)

6. journal: 신문잡지

Doctors claim that eating bananas can cut the risk of sudden stroke by 40%, as published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (New England Journal of Medicine에서 발표된 것처럼 의사들은 바나나를 먹는 것이 갑작스런 뇌졸증의 위험을 줄일 수 있다고 주장합니다.)

7. libel: 문서에 의한 명예훼손, libelous: 중상모독적인

He claimed that these words were false and sued the newspaper for libel. (그는 이런 말들은 잘못된 것이라고 주장하면서 그 신문을 명예훼손으로 고소했습니다.)

8. medium: 매개체중간

Using TV as a medium of education will yield rich dividends. (교육의 매개체로서 TV를 이용하는 것은 풍성한 이익을 생산할 것입니다.)

9. perceive: 인지하다알아내다, perception: 지각인지

New technology has been perceived to be a threat to employment. (새로운 기술은 고용에 대한 위협이 된다고 인식되어 왔습니다.)

10. misperceive: 오해하다오인하다, misperception: 오인오해

I think African-American jurors are misperceived as being more lenient toward black defendants. (아프리카계 미국인 배심원들은 흑인 피고들에 대하여 더욱 관대한 것으로 오인된다고 생각합니다.)

[아이엘츠토론토아이엘츠캐나다아이엘츠헤럴드어학원, IELTS 전문어학원]

11. neutral: 중립인, neutrality: 중립상태중립정책

Canada government acted as a neutral observer during the talks. (캐나다 정부는 회담동안 중립적인 관찰자로서의 역할을 했습니다.)

12. paparazzi: 파파라치

Many people often accuse paparazzi of infringing on the human rights of celebrities. (많은 사람들은 종종 연예인들의 인권을 침해하는 것으로 파파라치들을 비난합니다.)

13. quote: 인용하다, quotation: 인용견적

Until then, scientific experiments were not in fashion and relied on quotes of ancient authorities. (그때까지 과학적 실험들은 유행이 아니였고 고대의 권위자들의 인용문들에 의존했습니다.)

14. scrupulous: 양심적인정확한꼼꼼한

The committee will be scrupulous in maintaining the highest ethical standards. (위원회는 높은 윤리적 기준들을 유지함에 세심할 것입니다.)

 계속 이어질 “아이엘츠 제대로 알기” 많은 성원을 부탁드립니다.

[아이엘츠, 캐나다아이엘츠, 헤럴드 코퀴틀람 어학원, IELTS 전문어학원]

캐나다 최고,  최초,   IELTS 전문 어학원, 헤럴드 코퀴틀람 제공

Coquitlam Campus: 604-474-2500, #201-1112 Austin Ave, Coquitlam, 

BC, V3K 3P5

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