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[오늘의 생활영어] 영어로 이메일 잘 쓰는 방법

페이지 정보

작성자 작성일22-09-07 09:09 조회559회 댓글0건




몇가지 기본 사항만 알고있으면 프로페셔널한 이메일 작성이 가능해요.

  1. ~에게

1) Dear Dr. Smith,
2) Dear Mr. Park,
3) Hello Josh,
4) Hi Angie,
5) To whom it may concern: (담당자가 누군지 모를 때)
6) Dear Sir/Madam (담당자가 누군지 모를 때)

Dear, Mr. 다음에는 Last Name만 써라. 이름 쓰지말라

  1. 수신자에게 감사 인사

1) Thank you for contacting 이영시. (이영시에 연락줘서 고맙습니다)

2) Thank you for your prompt reply. (신속히 답장해줘서 고마워)

3) Thanks for getting back to me. 답장해줘서 고마워

4) Thank you for your email of Feb 29 regarding/concerning the conference in Busan.

  1. 이메일 보낼 때 쓰는 안부 인사

1) I hope this email finds you well.

2) I hope all is well.

3) We hope you are enjoying the season.

4) I hope you are well.

5) I hope you are fine.

6) It is a pleasure to be in touch with you again.
당신과 다시 연락하게 되어서 기쁩니다.

7) It was a delight to see you in 장소.
장소 에서 만나서 반가웠다.

4. 이메일의 목적 말하기

1) I am writing to enquire about
2) I am writing in reference to…
3) I am writing to make a reservation / to apply for the position of .. / to confirm my booking, to ask for further information about…
4) I am writing with regard to the sale of… to the complaint you made on May 29th.
5) I wanted to ask you if you are available on May 29th for our second meeting.
6) I was wondering if you could attend our conference.
7) I am glad to inform you that your article has been selected for publication.
8) we are happy to let you know that your article has been…

  1. 첨부파일 확인해 주세요.

1) I am attaching _____ for your reference/ information/ consideration.

2) I am sending you _______ as an attachment.

3) Please see the _____ attached.

4) Please find attached the file you have sent me.

5) I am afraid I cannot open the file you have sent me.
죄송한데요, 파일을 열수 없어요.

6) Could you send it again?
다시 보내주실 수 있나요?

  1. 끝맺음

1) Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

2) Thank you for your consideration.

그리고 이런것들 추가하셔도 됩니다.

3) If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to let me know/ feel free to contact me at ______

4) Please do let me know if I can be of further assistance.

5) I look forward to hearing from you.

  1. ~드림

격식있는 표현: Best regards, Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Kind regards, regards,
편한 표현: Cheers, Thanks, Take care,

Best regards,

Your sincerely,

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