2022 버나비 스포츠 클럽 이벤트~ Irina Pavlova 요가 강의 11.5 (토) 4~5:30 > 자유게시판

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2022 버나비 스포츠 클럽 이벤트~ Irina Pavlova 요가 강의 11.5 (토) 4~5:30

페이지 정보

작성자 vkas 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일22-10-16 11:44 조회746회 댓글0건


호흡이 녹아 들어, 온몸을 적시며 내면의 자아와

만나는 요가 수행, 진정한 삶의 의미를

되짚어 보는 계기가 된다.


2022 Burnaby Sports Club Yoga Lecture

버나비 스포츠 클럽 에서는

건강 이벤트로 요가 강의를 개최 하오니

많은 참석 바랍니다. 


신체의 훈련을 통하여 마음을 쉬게 하며,

균형력과 적응력을 강화, 일상에서의 편중된 생활을 개선,

잘못된 자세를 수정한다.


아사나 Asanas 는 고정된 자세, 부동의 자세

명상을 준비하는 좌법을 뜻한다.


*일시: 11월 5일 (토) 4~5:30 

*장소: The Space 커뮤니티 룸

런던 드럭 복도 에스컬레이터 옆

9855 Austin Ave Burnaby 로히드 센터


*준비물: 요가 매트, 스포츠 웨어

 문의: BSC Organizer 서동임



Yoga Lecturer  Irina Pavlova 

I am a licensed yoga teacher in Canada (Yyoga) I 
have been practicing yoga for over 20 years. In 1996 My yoga practice is safe, gentle and effective.My style of yoga takes care of the health of the spine. You are only as young and healthy as your spine is strong and elastic. The health of your back directly affects the health of your entire body. A strong and flexible spine not only protects your nervous system, but also ensures its maximum performance and longevity. In my practice, I ask students to listen to their bodies. I give different options for performing asanas. In my practice, I combine power asanas, twisting, stretching and breathing practices. Combined, this allows your body to release nerve blocks and calm your mind. I want you to love yoga as much as I love it.

Burnaby Sports Club


*** The word yoga is derived from India of the Sanskrit root yuj, meaning “to yoke,” or “to unite”. The practice aims to create union between body, mind and spirit, as well as between the individual self and universal consciousness. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years, and whilst many different interpretations and styles have been developed, most tend to agree that the ultimate goal of yoga is to achieve liberation from suffering.  Modern yoga is most commonly associated with the physical practice of asana, a series of postures often weaved together in styles such as Vinyasa Flow or Ashtanga. Asana practice is generally intended to build strength and stamina, to improve flexibility, coordination and balance, and to relax the body. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras provide the traditional foundation of yoga, in which he outlines an eightfold path of the practice. Known as the ‘Eight Limbs of Yoga’,

Each of the Eight Limbs offers a means of living with integrity self-discipline,

respect for nature and connection with the spiritual aspects of life.

These eight practices are intended to be carried out in a holistic and integrative manner

1. Yamas~Five universal, ethical and moral observances to live by nonviolence,

              truthfulness, non-stealing, continence and non-covetousness

2. Niyamas~Five spiritual and self-discipline observances cleanliness,

               contentment, spiritual austerities, study of scriptures surrender to god

3. Asana~Physical posture, originally intended only for seated meditation

              but more recently adapted to encompass all physical yoga practices

4. Pranayama~Breathing exercises to control the flow of prana vital life force

5. Pratyahara ~Withdrawal of the senses

6. Dharana~Single pointed concentration

7. Dhyana~Meditation

8. Samadhi~Liberation or blissful union with the Divine


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